Exciting New Development in Endometriosis Testing: Introducing the Ziwig Endotest®

Endometriosis, a condition affecting millions of women worldwide, has long been a diagnostic challenge. On average, it takes about eight years for a woman to receive a diagnosis, a period fraught with chronic pain and significant impacts on quality of life

Endometriosis, a condition affecting millions of women worldwide, has long been a diagnostic challenge. On average, it takes about eight years for a woman to receive a diagnosis, a period fraught with chronic pain and significant impacts on quality of life. However, an exciting new development promises to revolutionise the way we diagnose endometriosis. Introducing the Ziwig Endotest® – a groundbreaking salivary diagnostic test that can provide reliable results in just a few days, aligning perfectly with the principles of functional medicine.

A Story of Struggle and Hope

Let me tell you about one of my patients, a professional woman in her mid-thirties who had been suffering for nearly a decade. For nine long years, she endured extreme pain, often missing work and losing days to debilitating symptoms. The constant absences from work led to lost promotions, and despite her best efforts, she found herself falling behind her peers. But the impact of her condition wasn’t just limited to her career. She and her partner had been trying to start a family, but infertility—another cruel consequence of undiagnosed endometriosis—had taken its toll on their dreams and their relationship.

Over the years, she saw multiple specialists, tried various treatments, and underwent numerous tests, yet no one could pinpoint the cause of her suffering. The emotional and physical toll was immense, and the frustration of not knowing what was wrong added to her burden. Then, the Ziwig Endotest® became available, and everything changed.

When I first heard about the Ziwig Endotest® and saw its high sensitivity and specificity, I knew this would be a game changer for many women like her. The ability to diagnose endometriosis with such precision and in such a short time was nothing short of revolutionary. We decided to proceed with the test, and within days, we had a clear diagnosis. For her, it was the breakthrough she had been waiting for—finally, she had answers, and we could start her on a treatment plan tailored to her needs.

The Promise of Saliva in Medical Diagnostics

Since the late 1950s, scientists have known that saliva contains traces of diseases far from the mouth. Over the past decade, liquid biopsies have gained popularity due to their non-invasive nature. Among the various bodily fluids accessible for testing, saliva stands out as the easiest to collect and transport, even over long distances. Beyond early diagnosis, saliva can provide valuable information on an individual's risk of developing a disease, disease progression, or therapeutic response.

A New Era in Endometriosis Diagnosis

The Ziwig Endotest® leverages this knowledge to offer the first-ever salivary diagnostic test for endometriosis. Using RNA analysis and a digital platform powered by machine learning algorithms, this test delivers a reliable diagnosis with remarkable speed and accuracy. The proprietary and scientifically validated technique behind the Ziwig Endotest® ensures that patients receive results within a few days, dramatically reducing the average diagnosis time from years to mere days.

Integrating Functional Medicine for Holistic Health

Functional medicine is a patient-centred approach that seeks to address the root causes of disease, rather than merely treating symptoms. It emphasises a holistic view of health, considering factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle in diagnosing and treating conditions. The Ziwig Endotest® aligns seamlessly with the principles of functional medicine by providing a comprehensive and non-invasive diagnostic tool that empowers patients and healthcare providers to take timely and informed action.

Who Can Benefit from the Ziwig Endotest®?

The Ziwig Endotest® is designed for women aged 18 to 43 years who exhibit symptoms suggestive of endometriosis. These symptoms may include:

- Chronic pelvic pain
- Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods)
- Deep dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
- Dysuria (painful urination)
- Dyschezia (painful defecation)
- Painful rectal bleeding or haematuria (blood in urine) during menstruation
- Shoulder tip pain
- Infertility

Fast, Reliable, and Non-Invasive

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Ziwig Endotest® is its reliability. With a sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy (AUC) all exceeding 95%, patients can trust that their results are highly accurate. This level of reliability, combined with the non-invasive nature of saliva collection, makes the Ziwig Endotest® an ideal solution for those seeking a faster, less invasive diagnostic method for endometriosis.

The Cost of Delayed Diagnosis

While the Ziwig Endotest® is currently priced at £1298 for the test plus consultation, it is essential to consider the broader implications of this investment. The high development costs have made the test expensive, but if you calculate the amount of productivity or work time lost over an eight-year period of delayed diagnosis, the significance is immense. The cost of prolonged suffering, lost work hours, and diminished quality of life far outweighs the price of a timely diagnosis.

Encouraging Women to Seek Speedier Diagnostics

Endometriosis can have a profound impact on a woman's life, and the lengthy diagnostic process only adds to the burden. The Ziwig Endotest® offers hope by significantly reducing the time to diagnosis and allowing women to take control of their health sooner. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of endometriosis, consider discussing the Ziwig Endotest® with your healthcare provider.

A Step Towards Holistic Wellness

By integrating the principles of functional medicine with cutting-edge diagnostic technology, the Ziwig Endotest® represents a significant step towards holistic wellness. This innovative test not only speeds up diagnosis but also aligns with a broader approach to health that considers the whole person, not just their symptoms.

For more information, contact me charmaine@edinburghhealth.co.uk. Take the first step towards a faster diagnosis and a better quality of life today.
